About me

I am a designer turned entrepreneur, investor, and advisor. I’m the CEO of Ambition, where we help organizations enhance their design, UX, and CX capabilities through consulting, recruitment, and our continuous training program, Ambition Empower. I’m also on the board of Touchtech, a fashion industry SaaS platform that frees salespeople from tedious tasks, allowing them more time with customers, as well as Vizcon, where we enhance customer satisfaction and profitability for construction companies, merchants, and suppliers through the platform Bygghub.

In 2002, I co-authored the book “Användbarhet i Praktiken” (Usability in Practice) and co-founded inUse, which grew to become one of the most influential Business, Service, and UX design agencies in Scandinavia with 100+ amazing designers and strategists. Later, I co-founded From Business to Buttons, one of Europe’s leading UX and Service Design conferences, which featured speakers such as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, US Vice President Al Gore, and design legends Patricia Moore, Alan Cooper, and Kim Goodwin, attracting over 1000 participants at its peak. To leverage the reach and power of a larger corporation, we sold inUse, including the conference, in 2017.

Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you. Happy to connect on LinkedIn if you want. 🙌

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